Job seekers: Do you exist to Recruiters?
In mid October 2010, my friend David Perry called me and shared some of his insight. "Donato, in the Detroit area, there are hundreds of Exhaust System Engineers, yet when I do a Google Search, I can only find a handful of them. " David was explaining this while...

Eating muffins, Starbucks and Interviews
I was in Starbucks this morning after a 2am return flight from Boston yesterday. When I lose sleep, it upsets my normal schedule. Things that I wouldn’t normally notice, I get fixated on. While waiting for my latte, I had the chance to observe three people standing...
Out of a job? Maybe you deserve it!
For the first time in several years I've put my recruiting hat on. Broadlook is expanding and we need to hire about 10 people. I decided to get in on the ground floor and do the initial outreach to prospective candidates. Here is what I observed: The general...

LinkedIn is not a social network, Facebook will morph
After about 2 years of talking about this topic, I thought it best to collect some solid data before doing an official blog about it. LinkedIn is not a social network. A thing is defined by it's major attribute. While LinkedIn has aspects of a social network, it is...

The iPhone Recruiter. Don’t make the mistakes I made (new blog)
Looking to build you own iPhone app? Don't make the mistakes I made. It is not just about developing the application; you need the talent to do it. So I'm at it again. Too much content for one blog. For those readers of mine that are in the recruitment industry...
When Venture Capital Calls – Setting your own rules
Eight years ago, getting calls from Venture Capital was exciting. They came in many flavors. The most distasteful wanted to bleed me for information. I was oblivious. Perhaps they funded a competitor to Broadlook and they wanted determine the competitive...

Grandfathering bandwidth and the flexible appliance
There is a new commodity in the high tech world. Unlimited bandwidth. Ask any of the iPad user that got one in the early days. Unlimited bandwidth is no longer available on the iPad. I am one of the lucky users. With a combination of my travel schedule, high...

What you know about Internet Resume searching is wrong
Do you use search engines to look for resumes on the Internet? Do you use exclusions such as "-jobs" or "-submit"? If you do. Stop it. Read on and I'll tell you why. First a story about Easter hams. To understand what I am going to say about searching for resumes,...
Are mobile Sales & Recruiting apps for real?
The Stage The Apple AppStore has over 100,000 iPhone applications. Verizon's Droid is a a few months old and Google just launched the Nexus One. Microsoft has Windows Mobile and the Palm has the hot new Palm Pre. The current king of Mobile Business is the...